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Video transcript for Your pre-ride checklist Your pre-ride checklist

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(Black and white image of motorcycle riding on road. Text on screen “Pre-ride check list.”. Video of narrator in front of garage standing behind his parked bike. Close up of narrator.)
Person one: If you’re off for a ride with a few of your mates, there’s a few things you want to check before you go. Some on your bike, some on your gear.

(Close up of narrators hand as he check bike tyres for tread and wear. Text on bottom of screen “01. Check your tyres have good tread depth and no damage or cracking.”)

  1. Check your tyres have good tread depth and no damage or cracking.
    (Close up of tyre pressure valve, with narratr checking the pressure with a digital gauge. Text changes “02: Check the tyres are at the recommended pressures.”)
  2. Check the tyres are at the recommended pressures.
    (Changes to close up bikes headlight turning on. Changes to back of bike, brake light comes on. Changes to close up of indicators blinking. Text changes “03: Chack the lights front and rear. And the brake lights and indicators.”
  3. Lights ok? Front and rear? How about brake lights and indicators?
    (Close up of narrator’s hand squeezing the front brakes. Text changes “04: Give a squeeze on both levers to ensure the brakes are operating.” Changes to close up of foot on brake.)
  4. A squeeze on both levers to ensure the brakes are operating.
    (Close up of bike being pulled upright, and of fluid containers. Text changes “05: Make sure the bike is upright to check the fluid levels – brake and clutch.” Wide shot of narrator straddling bike, squeezes front brake. Close up of clutch mechanism.)
  5. Ensure the bike is upright to check your fluid levels – brake and clutch. And
    (Close up of the oil level. Text changes “06: Check the oil level.”)
  6. The oil level?
    (Close up of the bike’s chain, narrator checks chain tension. Text changes “07: How’s the drivetrain? Check chain condition and tension, and sprockets for wear. Text disappears. Close up of narrator talking to camera.)
  7. How’s the drivetrain? Check the chain condition and tension sprockets for wear. Is it lubricated? Got shaft drive? Luck you, so long as there are no oil leaks.
    (Close up of narrator twisting front handle grip, zooms out as he lets go. Text on screen “08: Do the cables and controls operate freely and smoothly?”)
  8. Do the cables and controls operate freely and smoothly?
    (Close up of suspension as they are moving up and down, changes to rear of bike and  narrator sitting on bike testing back suspension. Text on screen “09: Does the suspension move in a well-damped, smooth motion front and rear?” Text disappears.)
  9. Does the suspension move in a well-damped, smooth motion front and rear?

(Wide shot of narrator in motorcycle gear, putting his helmet on top of the bike, talking to camera. Close up of narrator talking.)

Terrific! Now that’s the bike done but how about you? Wearing the right protective gear can help save your life… but that needs checking periodically too.

(Close up of narrator holding bike helmet, checking the straps. Text on bottom of screen “Check your helmet for damage.” Text disappears. Close up of narrator wiping helmet visor.)

Check your helmet for damage. That the strap has no fraying. And clean your visor.

(Close up of narrator checking the hem of his jacket. Text on bottom of screen “Give your jacket and pants or one-piece the once-over.” Close up of narrator checking the zip  and Velcro on his sleeve cuff.)

Give your jacket and pants or one piece the once over for any worn patches or loose threads. Do all the closures work perfectly?

(Close up of narrator wearing gloves, checking the Velcro. Text changes “Check your gloves for any damage.”)

Same story with your gloves.

(Close up of sole of boot on pedal. Text changes “Give your boots a look over.” Changes to close up of boot being fastened, pant leg put over boots, Velcro on pant hem being done up.)

Finally give your boots a look over. Once the soles start to wear it reduces protection. Make sure all zippers, clasps etc. are working. And you’re good to go.

(Text disappears. Close up of narrator zipping up his jacket. Shot of narrator riding bike on road away from camera. Drone shot of him riding around corner. Close up of narrator as he’s riding. View of him riding towards camera. Text on screen “Remember… make regular checks and avoid bigger problems.)

A few simple safety checks let you relax and enjoy the ride. Even on everyday trips. Do a few checks every time you ride.