Video transcript for the Instructors The Instructors: The inside line on Ride Forever coaching, from those who know it best
Music Playing
(Motorcyclist riding around corner. Cuts to wide view of motorbike riding around corner quickly. Cuts to motorbike riding into camera. Cuts to motorcyclist riding around corner. Cuts to group of motorcyclists following each other around a corner. Cuts to group of motorcyclists riding in the rain. Cuts to motorcyclist straightening up after coming through a bend. Cuts to motorcyclist riding at night with headlights on. Goes to black screen, text appears “Come Ride With Me – The Instructors”. Cuts to instructor next to presentation screen talking to riders. Close up of instructor talking.)
Person 1: Ride Forever is about developing road skills. Value is the collective knowledge in the room.
(Cuts to instructor, Paul, talking to camera. Text on the bottom left reads: “Peter Hookham – Ride Forever Instructor”. Cuts to group of riders sitting on bikes watching manoeuvre, cuts to manoeuvre, instructor gesturing, close up of bike weaving between cones. Peter instructing.)
Person 1: So, said Bronze aimed at new riders, those that have just come into riding, hungry for information, and just passionate. More with the bike, you need to bleed and throttle in.
(Cuts to instructor, Kevin, talking to camera. Text on the bottom left reads: “Kevin Kinghan – Ride Forever Instructor”. Cuts to biker riding off from parked bikes. Cuts to biker riding towards instructor. Close up of front wheel as manoeuvring, pans up to rider.)
Person 2: Designed to help new riders come along, teach them what to do to keep them safe and to start on the skill base.
(Cuts to instructor, Jared, talking to camera. Text on the bottom left reads: “Jared Greenwood – Ride Forever Instructor”. Cuts to instructor demonstrating. Instructor talking to rider. Cuts to rider practicing. Cuts to Jared talking to camera.)
Person 3: Not only are they getting a full day’s training, they’re getting advice on how to actually pass their license. And if you need to adjust your line, you’ve got good vision already. Someone who’s done a Ride Forever course, and they come and sit their license test, you can tell within the first five minutes they’re going to pass.
(Cuts to instructor talking to group of riders. Close up of rider talking to instructor.)
Person 4: I’m feeling so much happier. Now I feel like I’m in control.
(Cuts to Paul talking to camera. Cuts to bike riding around corner. Rider rides towards camera. Rear view of bike as they ride past camera. Cuts to biker riding towards and past camera. Rear view of group of riders.)
Person 1: Silver level is about returning riders and those that are aspiring to move through their licensing. And again, that’s the next stage of development.
(Cuts to camera overtaking bikers. Cuts to riders driving towards camera. Instructor talking to group, cuts to group listening. Cuts to rider taking a corner, and the instructor explaining. High angle of rider taking corner, riding past group. Aerial of rider taking the corner.)
Person 2: The Silver, involving much more body and bike dynamics, so we take them on some more challenging roads. It’s kind of a natural progression. Back out again. You’ve got to let yourself relax. Way out here. See the corner unfold in front of you. One more time.
(Cuts to Kevin talking to camera. Cuts to group of riders riding towards camera in rain. Close up of rider riding in rain.)
Person 2: But we kind of stop short of where the Gold is kind of, almost like a finishing school.
(Cuts to Peter watching riders, instructing. Cuts to rear view of bike riding. Cuts to Peter talking to camera. Cuts to rider practicing an emergency brake. Instructor talks to rider after braking.)
Person 1: Gold is specifically aimed at people on their full license. At continuing to develop new skills and also to refresh. Really something that you’re practicing, that was nice, hard on the brakes.
(Cuts to Jared talking to camera. Rider taking corner, riding past camera. Cuts to rider riding towards camera around corner. Jared talking to camera.)
Person 3: We often have returning riders who haven’t ridden for some time. And just the confidence that you can gain from coming out on a course. If we can fix one thing that you’re doing, it could be that one thing that saves your life.
(Cuts to group riding around corner. Rear view of riders.)
Person 1: I’ve worked with people from 16 to 71 to get their motorcycle license.
(Cuts to Kevin talking to camera. Cuts to riders riding towards camera. Rear view of instructor riding behind group of riders. Riders riding towards camera. Bikers riding around corner. Cuts to Kevin talking to camera.)
Person 2: The hoops you go through to be a Ride Forever instructor are pretty stringent so, you can have faith in that they know what they’re doing. Yes, a lot of it’s road code, road safety. But a lot of it’s also how you ride your bike, cause to ride safe, you do have to ride well. So that’s where the structure of the Bronze, Silver, Gold, kind of puts it all into place in a nice natural order.
(Cuts to rider taking a corner. Group of riders riding around roundabout. Cuts to rider practicing an emergency stop. Biker riding towards camera.)
Person 1: I can almost guarantee you will walk away with something. You will learn something new. You will have something reinforced. You will enjoy the day riding with like-minded other individuals.
(Cuts to Kevin talking to group about corners. Cuts to riders listening. Cuts to Kevin talking to camera. Cuts to group of riders and instructor sitting at picnic table. Kevin talking to camera.)
Person 2: Decreasing radius or double apex. People get it wrong. They stay close to the centre line. If there’s one of those Jaguar Harvesters coming around that corner, it’s going to ruin your entire afternoon. We try and keep it nice and casual, and we’re still a bunch of motorcyclists out having a good day out.
(Cuts to group of riders riding over an overpass. Cuts to Jared talking to camera. Cuts to Jared talking to group of riders.)
Person 3: The sense of pride with the job when you have somebody who’d been riding for 30 years and they text you and say they had an awesome day. And that’s just what makes me want to do it again, you know. Just want to say thank you guys for coming.)
(Cuts to Jared handing out certificates and badges to group. Cuts to Paul talking to camera.)
Person 1: The whole program is really good value for money. To get that amount of training from a professional rider for a day, you won’t find that value anywhere else. So give it a go.
(Cuts to black screen. Text appears “Sign up now.