Cruiser Bikes
Course modules
Completed {{ completedModulesCount }} / 6

Emergency Braking
5 steps for emergency braking.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Braking on different surfaces
Braking on different surfaces and in different weather conditions.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Braking distances - Part 1.
Can you out-brake a car?
Section Completed
Section Completed

Braking distances - Part 2.
How your bike brakes compared to a car.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Braking distances
Decide which option will have the shortest braking distance.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Riding through intersections, with a road to the left - Part 1.
Riding through a T intersection, with a road on the left.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Road positioning - Riding through a T intersection, road on left - Part 2.
Riding through a T intersection, with a road on the left.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Riding through intersections, with a road to the right
Riding through an intersection with a road on the right.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Turning right across traffic
Turning right across a lane of traffic.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Turning right and joining traffic
Right turn out of an intersection into main flow of traffic.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Dealing with turning traffic ahead
How to deal with turning traffic ahead at intersections.
Section Completed
Section Completed

Riding through intersections, with a road to the left.
Where should you position your bike when riding through intersections, with a road to the left?
Section Completed
Section Completed

Turning right across traffic
Where should you scan before turning to check it's clear?
Section Completed
Section Completed

Turning right and joining traffic
What should you do to communicate your intent to turn right at a stop sign?
Section Completed
Section Completed